Friday, May 4, 2007

Quantum Ontology

The Physical Nature of the Human Conscious & Conscience

An early working concept

Strange Phenomena

Consciousness is perceived as a cosmic phenomenon embodied in a continuous experience of being, in our case, of the human kind. We are life forms moving along a line progressing from peaceful sleep to a highly aroused emotional state and from a zombie existence to euphoric presence. There is a definite emergence of willful, conscience driven decision making, but it is somehow connected to the depths of our uncontrollable unconscious desires. It is this realization of being through global and seemingly stable perception that cumulates into a first person perspective. In turn it is this first person perspective that gets us into trouble whenever we try to explain this complex phenomenon. Even if we know better, we still confuse illusive aspects of personal experience for global reality and then we proceed to anchor our assumptions in these nebular aspects of being and structure our theories on our assumed facts. How can such uncertain origins be explained by a formula? Do we not need a third person perspective if we hope to succeed in scientific explanation?


For the full text download the following document:
Quantum Ontology

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